Wednesday, February 02, 2005


This is a link to one of the many MANY jokes about the hostage hoax.

This is a link to a photo of the Bulgarian hostage's torso-less head dripping with blood being held aloft by a ruthless neojihadist savage.

The prior makes light of the latter in ways that must hurt the families of those so brutally slaughtered.

The jokesters of the hoax have no sympathy and no shame.

UPDATE: Greyhawk at Mudville Gazette - (who DID think the jokes on the hoax were funny) - posted today that more than 232 civilian contractors have been murdered in Iraq. 232 families destroyed by ruthless hostage-taking, bomb-making, beheading savages. Which is why I still feel that jokes - such as posting a photo of Homer Simpson as a hostage (linked to above) - are in bad taste: they belittle the huge risks and sacrifices that contractors have made in the GWOT. And for what?! A momentary snicker. Shame.

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