Tuesday, January 11, 2005


An alleged militant accused of trying to assassinate Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has escaped from custody, the authorities say. Mushtaq Ahmed was being held by air force police in the city of Rawalpindi. The BBC's Zaffar Abbas in Islamabad says the escape of a man regarded as a prime suspect in the attacks is a huge embarrassment for the authorities. [...] "This criminal escaped from custody and we hope that we will arrest him. He was a key figure in the 14 December, 2003 attack on President Musharraf," Sheikh R. Ahmed told the AFP news agency. He said a huge manhunt was under way.

IMHO: Either (a) the police & military in Pakistan are totlally incompetent, or (b) MUCH more riddled with Jihadoterrorists than anyone realizes, or (c) the suspect was allowed to escape (by loyal authorities) in order to lead the authorities to capture & destroy more cells. If the third choice is NOT much more likely than the other two, then Musharraf is NOT safe; in which case, it is likely that - due to incompetence or a malicious conspiracy by Jihadoterrorists - he will be assassinated or overthrown by the Jihdoterrorists, and that then Pakistan will become a HUGE problem. STAY TUNED....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I was just searching about mussharaf' plotter' escape @ google and i came upto your blog. Your given third possibility looks 100% right.
