Thursday, January 06, 2005


I predict that - if Kerry follows his old pattern, (of meeting with the enemy and then carrying their water) - it means we can expect him to start speechifying on behalf of terrorists and enemy combatants as soon as he gets back with their instructions! I expect something like: "Let's use a carrot with Syria and Iran - and not a stick." Which ought to make the "chic European appeaserati" happy! Which leads me to wonder: how will Kerry "use" the Gonzales confirmation vote? I predict as an opportunity to trash the US military and law enforcement agencies, and thereby make the Jihadoterrorists - and their Baathist allies - happy, too!

UPDATE: According to NEWSMAX Kerry - while in Bagdhad - is already trashing the USA! It's a virtual resprise of his Fonda-Vietcong days: giving moral aid to the enemy! Sheesh: it only proves that Kerry - like so many other Left-wing McGovernite anti-Americans - never really changed. Pity: the world HAS changed.


*******UPDATE 1/8******* CLICK HERE. NOW! That's an order from Greyhawk at Mudville!

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