Tuesday, January 18, 2005


VIACOM owns both CBS and COMEDY CENTRAL. CBS broadcasts the "CBS Evening News with Dan Rather." COMEDY CENTRAL broadcasts "THE DAILY SHOW with Jon Stewart."

I just saw an billboard for Jon Stewart's DAILY SHOW. It said: "America's most popular fake news show."Another says: JON STEWART: "America's most trusted name in fake news."

Maybe.But Dan Rather has nothing to worry about.His show is America's MOST EXPERIENCED FAKE NEWS SHOW. HEH. EVEN FUNNIER: Les Moonves - the president of CBS - WILL NOT RULE OUT INCLUDING JON STEWART AS A CONTRIBUTOR TO A REVAMPED CBS EVENING NEWS!!! (HAT TIP DRUDGE.) It makes sense: then, the CBS EVENING NEWS will be both America's most popular AND most experienced and most trusted FAKE news show! Heh, heh!

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