Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Thanks for the L I N K S ! ! !

In the last week or so I have gotten linked to by Roger L. Simon, and Powerline, and Instapundit, and My Pet Jawa, and Dissecting Leftism, and Ace Pilots/Friends of Saddam and The Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid and Man Without Qualities and Outside the Beltway! Thank you all very much!

(In the preceding week (or so), others may have linked, too - but my referral-tracking function was down so I missed'em. So if I missed you: a belated and apologetic Thanks!)

I especially want to thank to everyone who stops by to read something! I try to link tostuff others aren't linking to, or to take an angle on things that others may be missing. So I hope you always find something different here - maybe even thought provoking...

Thanks again!

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