Monday, October 25, 2004

Old Media's al Qaqaa Cacaphony turns out to be "ALL KAKA" and PHONY

As first reported by NRO's "THE KERRY SPOT," and now by the indispensable DRUDGE, the whole entire Al Qaqaa "missing explosives story" is "all kaka" - which is Yiddish for "sh-t."
As in: "when the Old Media tells the truth about Bush - I'll make kaka in my pants!"
It turns out that this bogus story is merely another attempt by the Left-wing dominated Old Media to derail a second Bush term, and THEY'VE FAILED AGAIN.
All that Old Media has succeeded in doing is PROVING that they will LIE to hurt Bush and help Kerry. Just as they did with the infamous "16 words" in the SOTU, and the relentless display of Abu Graib photos, and the endless fawning over the hypocritical assertions of Richard Clarke, Joe Wilson, and Secretary Oneill, and the bogus Rathergate documents.

TWO KEY FACTS THE OLD MEDIA WON'T TELL THE PUBIC: (1) The 380 tons of plastique explosives not there when US military forces took control of the area. And (2) that US forces have disposed of (or taken control of) 400,000 tons of explosives since kicking out Saddam. The 380 tons - not even 1% of what was in Iraq, under Saddam's control - were probably destroyed by the USAF during the war.

Why were these facts ignored by the NY Times and their Left-wing buddies in the Old Media?

Because the Left-wingers who dominate Old Media have NO SHAME.

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