Tuesday, October 19, 2004

KERRY: the wrong demagogue, in the wrong race, tells the wrong lie at the wrong time!


"On Monday, Kerry told seniors in Florida that Bush is plotting a "January surprise" to cut their Social Security benefits by as much as 45 percent. "That's up to $500 a month less for food, for clothing, for the occasional gift for a grandchild."


Social Security Gets 2.7 Percent Boost

"WASHINGTON (AP) - More than 47 million Americans receiving Social Security will get a 2.7 percent increase - an extra $25, on average - in their monthly checks next year, but much of the increase will be eaten up by higher Medicare premiums. The Social Security Administration announced the cost-of-living adjustment Tuesday, and the increase will start showing up in checks in January. The latest increase was the largest since benefits rose by 3.5 percent in 2001. A 2.1 percent increase went into effect at the beginning of this year. "

OF COURSE, the AP had to get in that biased "dig" about higher Medicare premiums - which were mandated by a bi-partisan law in order to keep Medicare SOLVENT; rather than say that the bigger social security checks "will cover increased costs of Medicare," they make it sound as if the increase in social security payments was absolutely meaningless.

BUT AP BIAS DOESN'T CHANGE THE "NO NUANCE ZONE" BOTTOM-LINE: Kerry - in a bald-faced attempt to scare the elderly into voting Democrat - told the the wrong lie, at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Steven the Poliblogger agrees...

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