Monday, October 18, 2004

How you can tell that Kerry and the DNC and Old Media are DESPERATE...

Here's partial list of OUTRAGEOUS Kerry/DNC/Left-wing demagoguery:

Bush will restart the draft

Bush will take away your civil liberties

Bush will privatize social security

Bush’s Medicare bill was a designed as a windfall for the pharma’s

Bush will intimidate black’s trying to vote

Bush will make sure you don't get a flu shot, so you get the flu

Bush will establish an official religion

Bush will destroy the ecology

Bush will make unnecessary wars against our enemies in order to enrich his buddies who own the military industrial complex and deal drugs - even if it means making France and Germany and the U.N. angry with us

Bush will out-source your job

Bush will destroy the education system in America by letting parents decide where to send their kids to school

Bush will destroy the V.A. hospitals

Bush will be mean to Iran and North Korea and Cuba

Bush will continue to inflame our enemies by fighting back

Bush will do whatever his controllers Rove - and the neocons, Prince Bandar - and the Saudis, and Sharon -and the Likud, want him to do

Kerry and Edwards will make sure that embryonic stem cells are able to make the crippled walk and the blind see …

and the Lefties who dominate Old Media will reiterate these outrageous lies, ever more frequently and loudly between now and 11/2.

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