Monday, October 23, 2023

Hamas planned to use chemical weapons

Israeli president Isaac Herzog reported details were found of plans by Hamas to use poisonous chemicals:
Israeli security forces found instructions for producing cyanide gas on the body of one of the Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7 attacks, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed on Sunday.

Speaking with Sky News, Herzog said that troops found a USB flash drive with instructions for preparing a device to disperse the poisonous gas, once used for mass murder in Nazi gas chambers.

"This is material that was found on the body of one of those sadistic villains. It's Al-Qaeda material, official Al-Qaeda material,"
Herzog told the British TV network.

"When dealing with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Hamas, this is what we're dealing with," added the Israeli head of state.

Late last week, the Israeli Foreign Ministry's weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation department informed embassies around the world of "Hamas's intention to use chemical weapons" in a classified cable, according to Axios.

The cable reportedly instructed ambassadors to share the file with their host governments privately. "This discovery indicates that Hamas intended to use chemical warfare agents as part of its series of terrorist operations against the civilian population," read the missive.
Cyanide is one of the most dangerous chemicals around, and it's to be hoped the authorities now have a grip on this situation, and will make sure such evil plans cannot be committed.

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