Friday, September 29, 2023

Muslim rapists in France target elderly women

Here's a horrifying example (via Jihad Watch) of how even older women aren't immune to sexual violence by younger men, here being Muslim migrants in France:
Multiple reports of rapes and attempted rapes by migrants living in France have made local headlines as the continued dramatic rise in sexual assaults and mass immigration shows an undeniable correlation.

French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Friday the demise of a 67-year-old woman who was accosted outside her home in Versailles by an Algerian national on Wednesday evening and then carried forcefully into her home, where she suffered a night of excruciating torture.

The elderly woman was tied up, beaten, and raped by the migrant before successfully fleeing the home and taking refuge with a neighbor who contacted the authorities.

The suspect was arrested the following day after being caught on video surveillance footage at the scene. An Algerian national of no fixed abode, he was found in possession of the victim’s identity documents, bank card, and various stolen jewelry. It was later reported that the man had been the subject of an unenforced deportation order since February 2022.

He offered only a “no comment” to the police following his arrest and reportedly fell asleep in his chair during questioning.
It goes without saying that was pure contempt he displayed during interrogation, and worst is that it was throughly expected such a monster could do something like that. This is another example of what a fiasco the country's become because of all the kowtowing to violent ideologies at all costs, and how it's all come at the expense of women, children and Jews in the process.

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