Thursday, August 03, 2023

4 people injured in Maale Adumim by jihadist in disguise, and woman shot at in Jordan Valley

An Islamic infiltrator attacked a location at Maale Adumim, and was thankfully killed:
A Palestinian terrorist opened fire in the Israeli town of Ma'aleh Adumim east of Jerusalem on Tuesday, wounding at least four people before being shot and killed, Israeli police said.

The shooting outside a shopping mall in the sprawling Jewish settlement was the latest in the most violent stretch of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the territory in nearly two decades.

The Palestinian assailant, dressed as a security guard, was shot and killed by an off-duty Israeli police officer who had heard gunshots and rushed to the scene.
One of the targets is already recovering, but this incident makes clear there's a grave danger of Muslim infiltrators wearing disguises to commit attacks.

Besides the above incident, a woman driving through the Jordan Valley was also attacked:
A shooting attack took place near the Hamra Junction on Wednesday, reports said. A 32-year-old woman is lightly injured and was evacuated to Hadassah Mount Scopus Medical Center.

Israeli security forces are searching the area for the perpetrators, who fled the scene.

Hadassah Mount Scopus updated that the victim arrived at the hospital's trauma center fully conscious and in light condition with shrapnel wounds on her face.

The woman was traveling with her husband and their two children, ages six and nine, when a terrorist opened fire at them from a passing vehicle. Marks from six bullets were identified on the family's vehicle.

Rafael, the father, told Kan Reshet Bet: "We were returning from a vacation in the north, and suddenly I noticed a vehicle with Palestinian license plates starting to turn around on the road, and it made a suspicious movement. I stopped 20 meters ahead, and the vehicle returned to its lane and began moving towards me. Two meters away from us, he crossed the line, blocked me, and the traveler exited with an M-16 weapon and began firing."

"My wife shouted, 'It's a terror attack, go into reverse, escape!' and the terrorists' vehicle drove straight towards Shechem."

Magen David Adom (MDA) said that the woman suffered light injuries and is fully conscious after suffering injuries to her face from flying glass.

Yonatan Shenbai, an MDA paramedic, said, "When we arrived at the scene, we saw the vehicle, which showed signs of gunshots. In the vehicle were four people - a man, a woman, and two children ages six and nine. By a miracle, only one of the travelers, a woman of 31, suffered light injuries from broken glass. We provided her with medical treatment at the scene and evacuated her to the hospital."

The IDF responded: "Following the initial report, a shooting attack was carried out from a passing vehicle adjacent to the Hamra Junction. An Israeli civilian was lightly injured by shrapnel, and a number of hits to a vehicle were identified. IDF soldiers are pursuing the terrorists."
Here too, we have a terrible situation still going on, with jihadists on the loose, and the Religion of Peace unopposed.

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