Thursday, June 08, 2023

Syrian "refugee" in French Alps stabbed children in Annecy

More tragedies come as the result of allowing Islamofascists into Europe, with this horrifying case that took place in Annecy:
A Syrian asylum seeker has reportedly been arrested on suspicion of stabbing four children at a play park in the French Alps.

The man allegedly attacked the children, who were aged about three years, and an adult in French city of Annecy at 9.45am on Thursday.

Two of the children and an adult sustained life-threatening injuries. [...]

The suspect was arrested by police soon afterwards following a brief struggle close to the park, which is in a square in the Alpine town, The Sun reports.

The knifeman was identified by the French Interior Ministry as Abdalmasih H., aged 32.

“He arrived in France in 2022, and had refugee status,” said a spokesman.

An eyewitness, who asked not to be named, said: …“He wanted to hurt as many people as he could. He caused carnage." [...]

Meanwhile, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez tweeted: “Horror again. This attack on children is the height of the abomination.”

“I extend my full support to the victims and their families."
Robert Spencer says Laurent Waquiez, who serves as the head of the region where this tragedy took place, allowed such monsters to interlope. So what's the use of his offering condolences if in the end, he won't take any proper action to ensure they don't enter anymore? This is very serious, and people are going to have to mobilize to demand action to expel these jihadists from the country.

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