Thursday, February 16, 2023

Limor Son Har-Melech files complaint against Border Patrol officers who illegally restrained and sexually assaulted her

Otzma Yehudit MK Har-Melech has ideally filed a police complaint against 4 Border Patrol officers who acted like utter perverts against her in Samaria:
MK Limor Son Har-Melech (Otzma Yehudit) filed a complaint with the Department of Internal Police Investigations against four Border Police officers who formed a tight human chain around her to keep her from moving towards the site where the demolition of a Jewish-owned orchard in Samaria was taking place yesterday (Wednesday).

According to the complaint, MK Son Har-Melech accuses the officers of violating her parliamentary immunity as a member of the Knesset and of assaulting her.

She stated that she is also filing a complaint against the two officers who were in command of the demolition.

Yesterday, the MK accused one of the officers of sexually assaulting her when she attempted to get out of the human chain.
One of the most offensive things about the act was that the commanding officer involved acted like she was stupid. Which seems to be an open example of how male sexists think. None of these men belong in the positions they're working in. More to the point, they should not be on the police/army payroll in any way, shape or form, and they most definitely should be in prison.

What makes this incident additionally offensive is that it comes after a horrifying incident in Gedera, where a mother was raped by a Muslim, and Har-Melech proposed a law to deal with rape as a form of terrorism:
A bill to double the sentence for nationalistically-motivated rape will be submitted on Monday by Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech following the brutal rape of a Gedera woman in front of her children on Thursday.

Son Har-Melech explained on Sunday that other politically motivated crimes in the penal code double the punishment. Victims are entitled to additional compensation for nationalistic crimes.

"The shocking case of rape that took place in Gedera joins the series of horrific cases of rape committed in recent years by Arab terrorists with a clear nationalistic motive, using rape as another tool in the war on Israel,"
said Son Har-Melech. "This is terrorism in all respects and should be treated as such."
So what those Border Patrol officers did added insult to injury, and suggests they sympathise with tyrants. As a result, they should be imprisoned, and ostracized by wider society. If they apologize, they'd do well not to ask for forgiveness simultaneously, because it doesn't help.

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