Tuesday, September 27, 2022

UK allows illegal immigrants from Albania to remain

More examples of illegal immigration to the UK in motion, and here, it's those coming from a mainly Muslim country:
Despite initial claims to the contrary, Albanian migrants who illegally enter Britain on small boats will not be sent home if they claim asylum, the UK Home Office has now admitted.

Illegal migrants from Albania who cross into Britain on small boats will not be sent back home if they decide to claim asylum, the UK Home Office has now admitted.

With the number of illegal arrivals from the country spiking in recent months, the British government had previously planned to put illegal Albanians on the fast track to deportation, having made an agreement with the European Muslim majority state to streamline the process for removing the migrants.

However, in what appears to be the latest example of the so-called “Conservative Party” failing to secure the UK’s borders, the Home Office has now admitted such a plan is not legally possible.
Yup, the pseudo-conservative party has done it again, and demonstrated how un-devoted to vigilance and security they really are. Truly pathetic.

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