Thursday, May 05, 2022

Bennett and Shaked both got yelled at by bereaved families during Memorial Day ceremonies

Looks like families of terror victims aren't approving of 2 hijackers of the government, and made it clear during some Memorial Day services:
Prime Minister Naftali Bennet and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked were both heckled while they spoke at different Remembrance Day ceremonies on Wednesday.

At Mount Herzl, dozens of bereaved families interrupted the prime minister's remarks during the state memorial service as he was beginning his speech.

"You should be ashamed of yourself,"
some of the protesters shouted, to which Bennett responded with "I love you all and I hear your pain."
No, he does not. It's utterly hollow words he's got at this point, and he's an absolute disgrace.
In Petah Tikva, Shaked faced heckling on Wednesday when she spoke at a memorial day ceremony at the Segula Cemetery.

Arik Hanan, who was grieving over his brother, heckled Shaked immediately when she started her address.

He called Shaked "disgusting" and called on her to "be ashamed" and to "go home."

The heckler was called upon to respect the ceremony by the host and by other grieving families around him. He responded that it was Shaked who should have respected grieving families by not coming.

Hanan said her attendance "spat in the face of those in grief" after government representatives were urged to not attend such ceremonies. He claimed that her government had approved stipends for terrorists.
Well the way she and her Knesset party boss have gone about has been an utter disgrace that's led to serious disasters that could've been avoided if they'd remained in a right-wing coalition, and not associated as they are now with leftist parties whose responsibility is far less. I can only imagine what kind of reception they'd get if they attended a memorial service with 9-11 Families for a Safe & Strong America stateside. They wouldn't be welcome there either.

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