Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The fiasco of the French legal system endangers Jews and women alike

A legal expert told why it was clear Sarah Halimi's Muslim murderer would not be prosecuted for his heinous crime, because the justice system in France is basically dominated by bigoted, corrupt scum who have to be removed from positions they don't deserve:
His grandson, French attorney Nathanael Majster, 54, spoke of his grandfather during his testimony before a parliamentary commission of inquiry set up by the French National Assembly into the possible police and judicial misconduct during the investigation of the murder of French Jewish doctor and schoolteacher Sarah Halimi in the heart of Paris on April 4, 2017.

"As the grandson of a deportee, I cannot make peace with the fact that in modern-day France, a Jew is thrown to death off her balcony and this is received by complete indifference and organized lies," Majster told commission members, explaining why he joined efforts to reveal the truth about the gruesome murder, and that the Muslim perpetrator will not be prosecuted and will be allowed to return to his everyday life without paying for the terrible deed he committed.

"In my professional life, I have not defended matters relating to the Jewish community," Majster told Israel Hayom. "However, in this case, I was one of the first ones to warn of the shortcomings of the legal system. No one cared about the fate of this poor woman.
The catastrophe with the Halimi case isn't the only horrific situation going on France. A similar case occurred involving judoka Margaux Pinot, whose coach and would-be boyfriend Alain Schmitt was acquitted of spousal assault after he'd attacked her and left her bruised in the past month:
French athletes have expressed disbelief over the acquittal of a coach accused of domestic violence against Olympic judo champion Margaux Pinot.

Ms Pinot accused her partner and judo trainer Alain Schmitt of punching and attempting to strangle her during an altercation over the weekend.

The Olympic gold medallist, 27, filed a complaint against Mr Schmitt.

He was arrested but denied the allegations and was acquitted in court.

A judge said there was not "enough proof of guilt" for the prosecution to proceed when delivering his verdict in a preliminary hearing on Wednesday.

"A court is never there to tell who is telling the truth and who is lying," the judge said.
This is also some of the worst BS I've ever seen a judicial official spewing out. Yet nothing shocking here either. The judge has one of the most repellent excuses to avoid punishing an offender he must sympathise with. Pinot responded later with the following:
Shortly after the hearing, Ms Pinot tweeted a picture of her swollen face, marked by cuts and several bruises.

In one tweet, in which she alluded to her wounds and "the blood strewn on the floor of my apartment", she asked: "What was missing? My death at the end, perhaps?"

"It was probably judo that saved me," she added in the tweet. "And my thoughts are also with those women who can't say the same."
She herself is very lucky to have survived this assault. The Israeli judoka federation wisely banned Schmitt from a job they originally offered him to work as a trainer for their classes. This travesty of justice is exactly why I feel that what began with antisemitism doesn't stop there. Gender bigotry is another serious issue that's not being handled properly in France either, recalling there were cases where Muslim rapists were let off the hook, in example. It wouldn't be shocking if the judiciary had refused to prosecute Schmitt even if Pinot had died, as has tragically been the case so far with Halimi. This is exactly why it'd be strongly advised for everyone concerned about antisemitism to condemn gender bigotry as well. The French judicial system is in very dire need for replacing every bad apple they've got there. As soon as possible.

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