Sunday, September 19, 2021

What Trump has to say about the Afghanistan disaster, and some RINOs

The Federalist did an exclusive interview with Donald Trump, who had a lot to say about both Biden's botches and RINOs:
“Afghanistan is one of the worst things I think I’ve ever seen for our country,” Trump said. “To lose the young people [killed in the bomb blast] is so horrible. It’s a horrible situation.”

“What Biden is doing is grossly incompetent,” he added. “It’s a disgrace.”

The 45th president also teed off on former President George W. Bush, who used his remarks on the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on America to take a thinly veiled swipe at Trump and many of Trump’s supporters when Bush claimed they were “children of the same foul spirit” that led the 9/11 hijackers to kill thousands of innocent American citizens.

“Bush was a disaster getting us into the Middle East. He’s the one that got us into the quicksand of the Middle East, and he didn’t win. He didn’t know how to win. I think he goes down as one of the worst presidents in history,” Trump said.

“Bush now goes around lecturing everybody about all sorts of things, and he shouldn’t be lecturing anybody, because he’s the one who got us into the mess of the Middle East,” Trump continued. “In the 20 years since, it’s been obliterated, and it’s probably in worse shape now than it’s ever been because of him.”
As noted earlier, I'd heard it mentioned on a Steve Bannon podcast that Bush has now made himself into one of the most reviled figures of US politics, right down there along with Biden, and the failure to have ever combatted Pakistan and Iran's regime back in the day is just one more serious error that was made, despite any suggestions to the contrary. Trump also took issue with senator Mitch McConnell, another would-be conservative who's not doing anything to mend the continuing damage, and the way current Republicans are working is simply uninspiring. This is exactly what's bringing about more disasters down the road.

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