Wednesday, June 09, 2021

French assembly will launch investigation into Sarah Halimi case

Now, we're getting somewhere regarding the mishandling of the Sarah Halimi case, where the courts refused to put the Islamofascist murderer of the lady on trial, using his supposed abuse of cannabis as an excuse:
The French National Assembly intends to establish a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the Sarah Halimi affair, the Union of Democrats and Independents Party said on Wednesday.

Halimi, a 65-year-old French Jewish retiree, was murdered by Kobili Traore, who threw her from a window in her Paris home in 2017. Traore shouted “Allahu akhbar” (God is great) and said after her murder that he had “killed the shaitan,” meaning the devil.

Earlier this year, however, France’s final court of appeal on criminal cases upheld a previous court verdict that Traore was not criminally responsible for the killing because he committed it in the course of a psychotic episode triggered by his use of cannabis.

Formation of the committee was initiated and will be headed by Meyer Habib, a French-Israeli UDI legislator who represents French expats in Eastern Mediterranean countries, including Israel.
Well let's hope some positive results come this time around, because the way the courts mishandled this cannot be allowed to stand. It's particularly tragic that any action should have to be taken, but when the situation's turned that dire, we're left with no choice.

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