Monday, February 01, 2021

If Biden returns to Iran deal, he'll be causing a crisis with Israel's diplomatic ties

Joe Biden's willingness to reenter the Iran deal is leading to friction with Israel (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
Israeli television on Wednesday reported that Jerusalem is warning an American return to the former terms of the nuclear deal with Iran under President Joe Biden could lead the countries to a crisis in relations.

Channel 12 news cited “a very senior Israeli official” as saying: “If Biden adopts Obama’s plan, we will have nothing to talk about with him.” The official was referencing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed by former president Barack Obama in 2015.
It's good they're making this clear. Where Biden is leading, no matter what he says, is nothing short of disaster, and is bound to guarantee Iran will still remain a horrific autocracy.

While we're on the issue, Joel Pollak discussed how Biden is bound to return the middle east to a war zone:
Trump left the U.S. in a position of historic strategic advantage. But like President Barack Obama, who squandered the gains of the Iraq “surge” and withdrew before the country was stable enough to prevent the rise of the terrorist “Islamic State,” Biden is throwing away many of the gains Trump achieved in the region.

If he simply stays on the course Trump charted, Biden can maximize his leverage on Iran and entice Saudi Arabia to make peace with Israel.

Those prospects are dimming.

On Friday, for example, the White House confirmed that President Biden had named Robert Malley his envoy on Iran. Malley is a radical with a long record of foreign policy failure.

In 2008, the Obama campaign booted Malley after it emerged he met with Palestinian terror group Hamas. In 2015, he was brought into the Obama administration to work on the hopelessly weak Iran nuclear deal. Malley was then named as ISIS “czar,” leading Obama’s hapless effort.

Malley appeared to learned nothing from his mistakes. In 2018, when President Trump supported protests against the Iranian regime, Malley joined the critics who said Trump should “be quiet.”
With people like that running the show, it's no wonder there's bound to be disaster, and no proper action will be taken to put an end to a middle eastern dictatorship. This is the sad result of years of indoctrination, and failure for people with common sense to maintain vigilance to defend against the same.

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