Saturday, February 20, 2021

Equatorial Guinea will move its embassy to Jerusalem

Here's some great news on diplomacy, as another country has agreed to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol:
Equatorial Guinea plans to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the first such pledge of its kind under the new administration of US President Joe Biden.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the matter with Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo on Friday, after which his office put out an announcement on the matter.

Netanyahu said he welcomed this trend in which countries relocate their embassies to Jerusalem, but he noted in particular that this pledge was part of Israel's growing ties with Africa.

Israel is returning to Africa and Africa and Africa is returning to Israel, Netanyahu told Mbasogo. The President said that the whole of Africa welcomed Israel with open arms.
They'll be the 3rd country with an embassy in Jerusalem when the time comes. This is a very admirable step from Guinea's government. And one of the best things, let's remember, is that Donald Trump helped lead to it.

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