Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trump holds a Hanukkah party at the White House

President Donald Trump's held a Hanukkah party at the White House, in another positive display of friendship there:
President Donald Trump attended a Hanukkah celebration at the White House on Wednesday, where he said he would still win the 2020 election.

“Let me just wish everybody a happy Hanukkah, and to about three of you here a merry Christmas,” the president joked to laughter from the crowd of around 100 mostly yarmulke-wearing Jewish leaders.

He then went on to address the election.

With the help of “certain very important people, if they have wisdom and if they have courage, we are going to win this election,” he said, in an apparent reference to the Supreme Court justices.
On which note, let's hope for a Hanukkah miracle. We'll definitely need it.

And since we're on the subject, thanks to Trump, a full normalization of relations was reached between Israel and Morocco. Something even the BBC's reporting. And that's good news too.

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