Tuesday, November 10, 2020

PLO's faux-negotiator Saeb Erekat dies of Covid19

It looks like a terrorist apologist just got what he deserved:
Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the top negotiator for the Palestinian Authority, died Tuesday morning. He was 65.

"Saeb Erekat passed away in the hospital's intensive care unit," Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital said in a statement Tuesday. [...]

During the early and mid-1990s, Erekat led the PLO’s negotiating team, and was a key player in the Oslo talks.

Erekat was a frequent critic of Israel, accusing Israel of “war crimes”, “massacres”, and “genocide”.

In 2013, Erekat accused Israel of applying a policy of apartheid in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem
This is why nobody should feel sorry for him. He was antisemitic, condoned murder of Jews, as occurred during the mid-90s in suicide bombings, and the whole notion the Israeli government would allow him to be hospitalized under their own systems when it's the PLO themselves who should be responsible for dealing with his medical matters angered families of victims of terorrism for valid reasons. Erekat's death couldn't have come soon enough, and deserved what he got in the end.

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