Saturday, October 10, 2020

PLO's Saeb Erekat contracts Coronavirus

It couldn't have happened to a more deserving terrorist. As this news states, senior PLO member Erekat is ill with Coronavirus:
Senior Palestinian Liberation Organization official Saeb Erekat has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the longtime Palestinian diplomat said on Thursday night.

Erekat is currently in isolation in his house in the West Bank city of Jericho, and has canceled all his appointments until he recovers from the virus. He has experienced light coronavirus symptoms, including a fever.
What if it's worse than what's being reported? You can never be sure if taqqiya specialists like these are actually being truthful. This is in contrast to reports about Donald and Melania Trump's state of health following their infection with Corona, from which they've since recovered.
One of the architects of the Oslo peace accords, Erekat has been the PLO’s chief negotiator since 1995. Erekat has led numerous rounds of peace talks with Israel for over two decades and continues to play a central role in Palestinian politics.

Erekat is considered to be at high risk for complications from the virus. He survived both a mild heart attack in 2012 and a 2017 lung transplant after years of suffering from pulmonary fibrosis, a condition which scars the lungs and damages their ability to circulate oxygen.
Erekat also enabled many terrorist attacks in the past quarter century. If he succumbs to Covid19, he'll deserve it. That the Times of Israel chose to gloss over his crimes is shameful.

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