Saturday, August 22, 2020

Something good the Israeli attorney general's doing to try and salvage his negative reputation

Israel's attorney-general, Avichai Mandelblit, earned a bad reputation for his relentless efforts to prosecute the prime minister over petty issues. But here, he's actually willing to file an appeal against an offensive supreme court ruling to block demolition of a murderous terrorist's house:
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit will file for another hearing to discuss the possibility of demolishing the house of the terrorist who murdered IDF Sgt. Amit Ben Yigal after the Supreme Court forbade the destruction of the terrorist's house.

In a statement on behalf of the attorney general, it was emphasized that the application would be submitted following the request of the political echelon on the issue, and after the attorney general presented to them his professional assessment in relation to the chances and risks involved in the application.

In the court's ruling, the demolition order was revoked. The court clarified that the military commander has the authority to act to seal the room where the perpetrator lived, but not to demolish the entire structure.

The attorney general's statement added that "the request for further hearing will be limited to the determination of the judgment in relation to the need for consideration of the family members living in the terrorist's house, and will not deal with general law regarding the use of demolition tools by terrorists for deterrence purposes."

MK Matan Kahana stated that he "welcomes the decision of the attorney general, who responded to my request and the request of many others and asked for a further hearing in the ruling given regarding the destruction of the house of the terrorist who killed Amit Ben Yigal."

"I will be there at the next hearing. I call on members of the Knesset to join me and attend the court hearing. Together, we will call on the judges to do justice and strengthen the IDF's deterrence," he added.
While this is a positive step Mandelblit's taken, it still doesn't excuse his reprehensible conduct towards Benjamin Netanyahu, and that's why Mandelblit will still have to vacate the position he doesn't deserve.

There's an important point to make that sealing the room where the terrorist himself lived is pathetic, and wouldn't stop him or anybody else that evil from living in the other parts of the house. The supreme court judges doubtlessly know this, and should be ashamed of themselves.

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