Tuesday, July 28, 2020

More cases of Corona infections in PLO dominated territories

The illnesses from Corona in the PLO areas continues apace:
The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Saturday said that 382 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in its territories, raising its total number of registered cases to 12,809, the Xinhua news agency reports.

The PA “ministry of health” said four citizens died of the virus, bringing the total deaths since March 5 to 77.

The ministry noted that recovered cases reached 3,741, leaving 8,991 active cases under medical observation.

Overall, 15 patients are currently in intensive care units, including three who are connected to respirators. [...]

After the easing of a previous coronavirus lockdown in late May, PA “health minister” Mai al-Kaila said the PA had entered a second wave of infections "more dangerous than the first".
It's the PLO's own fault, of course. That's what happens when they embrace evils like antisemtism and jihadism.

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