Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Casualties from Corona in France very high for immigrant populations from north Africa

The UK Guardian has some eyebrow raising news about what the rates of illness and deaths from Covid19 were like for immigrants from the African continent. Blacks reportedly suffered most badly, but, though the article doesn't clearly say so, it sounds like Islamists also took a serious toll:
The research findings were particularly alarming for the Paris region, especially in the densely populated and underprivileged northern reaches of the French capital. Compared to March-April of 2019, Paris-region deaths during the same two months this year shot up by 134% among north African immigrants and by 219% for people born elsewhere in Africa.

Skewed death rates were even more pronounced in Seine-Saint-Denis, the northern outskirts of Paris long troubled by poverty and overcrowding. There, deaths increased by 95% among the French-born, but by 191% among people born in north Africa and by 368% among those from sub-Saharan Africa.
There are reasons we can probably guess why it was so bad there. The Islamists apparently thought "allah" would defend their health, and since they pour out so much violence in that district, what with riots and intifada and all that, so how could authorities ensure that proper medical attendance could be provided to them? They turned their neighborhood into a sharia-run no-go zone, that's what they get.

Who knows? This whole pandemic might have a silver lining in that it brought about punishment for those who would espouse a violent religion and force it upon innocent people.

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