Thursday, April 16, 2020

The BBC is airing Islamic prayer calls, and unlikely to cease

Front Page Magazine reports that Britain's worst government-owned institution is broadcasting the Islamic call for prayer, all because the Coronavirus crisis has led to a closure of mosques (which could just as easily not be the case in enclaves), and they're unlikely to stop even after the crisis is over:
Global Village Space reported Wednesday that “in a first, BBC begins the broadcast of Muslim prayers on its network as mosques shut down across Britain, part of the extensive measures against coronavirus.” In today’s Britain, it is extraordinarily unlikely that the BBC will stop broadcasting the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, once the coronavirus pandemic is over. A cultural line has been crossed. And the implications of this, beyond the expected hosannas from the usual proponents of globalism and multiculturalism, are ominous.

According to Global Village Space, “different imams lead the 5:50 am broadcasts every week on Friday from 14 local radio stations of BBC. The imam recites verses from the Holy Quran and quotes of Holy Prophet before delivering the sermon and leading the listeners in prayers. The program is titled, ‘Islamic Reflections’. The arrangements have been made to facilitate the Muslim community to the run-up to the month of Ramadan till the end of April.”

The BBC is no doubt thrilled to do this, as it demonstrates how “inclusive” the mega- network is, and how welcoming British society is. Chris Burns, the head of BBC Local Radio, was dead chuffed, saying: “Local radio is all about connecting communities, and we hope these weekly reflections will go some way to helping Muslims feel a sense of community while they are isolating.”
Wrong. What they're doing is legitimizing a religion built on totalitarianism, but of course, you couldn't possibly expect the Beeb's awful reps to admit it. This certainly is dangerous on the concern it could lead to more violence and corruption if the worst themes are recited on the network. As for Judeo-Christian prayers, I guess they, by contrast, don't have any serious emphasis anywhere on the Beeb during this time, right? No shock there. Such a corrupt network needs to be abandoned by all sensible viewers, and advertisers should withdraw, if that's what it takes to protest this. Better still, the Beeb should be sold to private businesses.

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