Monday, January 27, 2020

Senior Gantz advisor made obscene social media comments about Trump

Some horrifying data's turned up, showing that Ronen Tzur, a prominent advisor to leftist Benny Gantz who's accompanying him on his trip to the White House, made numerous social media posts against Donald Trump in the past few years:
A senior adviser to Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz, currently accompanying Gantz on a visit to Washington, D.C., to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump, has likened Trump in the past to Nazi leader Adolph Hitler and insinuated that he colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has also suggested that Trump play Russian roulette with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

In August 2017, Tzur tweeted: “Barack Hussain Obama left, Donald Adolf Trump arrived. Dying to see who comes next.”

Similarly, in March 2016, Tzur tweeted: “Donald’s next book: Mein Trump,” playing on the spelling of Trump’s name (in Hebrew, “p” and “f” are represented by the same letter).

In September 2017, during attempted negotiations between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Tzur tweeted, “It seems right to me to suggest a compromise between Trump and Kim Jong: Russian roulette with two bullets. What will be will be.” [...]

The Likud Party responded in a statement:

“Political ignorance and irresponsibility on the part of Benny Gantz to bring with him the White House his personal adviser Ronen Tzur, who called the U.S. President ‘Donald Adolph Trump’ and posted a long series of tweets against him on social media. Let’s hope Gantz’s irresponsibility does not hurt Israel’s national interests vis-à-vis the U.S. government.”
Tzur's attempted to do damage control, but it's just so offensive, his efforts to backtrack are for naught. The POTUS would do well to confront both Tzur and Gantz about the noxious statements made by the former when they arrive at the Oval Office. Tzur's proven an utter embarrassment and atrocity, totally bad for Israel.

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