Tuesday, December 03, 2019

British prison and legal system released terrorist who went on to murder 2 people at London Bridge

The disastrous justice system in the UK struck again, and allowed an ostensibly convicted terrorist to exit prison, where he soon went and murdered at least two people by the London Bridge:
Details are emerging on London Bridge killer Usman Khan, a convicted terrorist who was freed from prison on an electronic tag and apparently attending a prisoner rehabilitation event when he struck, killing two.

Khan was imprisoned for his part in a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and pubs in Stoke, as well as planning to establish a terrorist training camp in Pakistan, in 2012, and originally serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection (IPP) — meaning he could have been kept behind bars as long as the relevant authorities deemed him too dangerous to release.

However, Court of Appeal judges led by Lord Leveson quashed his IPP in 2013 and swapped it for a fixed term of 16 years, with eligibility for release on licence at the halfway point — as is standard in the British criminal justice system.
The culprit was tackled with a narwhal tusk by a nearby chef, but it still doesn't change the fact that more defenseless victims lost their lives, and the UK doesn't look to be changing their ban on firearms for self-defense either. If they don't change the laws soon, chances are they never will.

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