Thursday, November 21, 2019

Avichai Mandelblit predeterminedly decides to indict Netanyahu on petty charges. It's Mandelblit who should resign

The undeserved attorney-general in Israel has decided, in what's clearly a case of already making up his mind where he stands, to indict the prime minister over trumped up accusations:
PM Netanyahu will stand trial in three corruption cases, Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit decided on Thursday.

In all three cases in which he is a suspect – Cases 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 – Netanyahu will be indicted for fraud and breach of trust (under Israeli law fraud and breach of trust is one count).
The Likud already expected this:
MK Miki Zohar (Likud) responded to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit's decision to indict Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday evening.

"The first emotion that comes up for me is great sadness. I'm pained that the prime minister has received such a "wonderful gift" from the state for dedicating the best years of his life for it."

"We knew it all in advance. We knew the Attorney-General wouldn't withstand the pressure exerted on him. We knew that Shai Nitzan fought with all his might to file serious indictments against the prime minister at any price."

"We won't be silent, we won't concede,"
Zohar concluded.
It's clear the so-called attorney-general is unsuited to the job he's in, and should resign. He's an otherwise dishonest man with no appreciation of any of the positives Netanyahu worked hard to bring about during his career, and therefore, he doesn't deserve the job or the pay coming with it.

It's said Netanyahu can seek immunity in the Knesset, but if there's no majority to work on the concept, it won't be possible. This is hugely regrettable this has to take place at a time when Israel is facing far more serious issues such as Iran's nuclear weapons and the terrorists in Gaza.

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