Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Careful attention still needs to be given to how Gantz and Yisrael Beiteinu conduct affairs with Joint Arab List

In the first of two concerning articles, it's reported that Benny Gantz's Blue & White party may invite the Arab parties for discussions, now that Benjamin Netanyahu's had to hand back the mandate on forming a government to the president, and it now passes over to Gantz:
Blue and White intends to invite representatives of the Joint Arab List to the coalition negotiations as well, according to Kan Reshet Bet, citing officials close to Blue and White leader MK Benny Gantz.

It should be noted that Blue and White emphasizes that members of the party's coalition negotiations team intend to first invite members of the Likud negotiating team for talks, but that afterward, members of all parties will be invited. It is estimated that Gantz will not settle for this invitation, but will try to hold a one-on-one meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to examine the possibility of joining a unity government.

This will be the first time in some 20 years that members of the Joint List are invited to the coalition talks. However, Kan Reshet Bet noted, MK Gantz does not explicitly guarantee that members of the Joint List will be part of a government headed by him, should one be established.
Doesn't matter. They'll still prove extremely dangerous, and are. It's just like such awful people to be willing to do whatever's possible to form a government solely for the sake of ousting Netanyahu, and implementing potentially damaging policies.

In the second, a member of Avigdor Lieberman's party isn't ruling out cooperating with the Joint Arab List:
MK Oded Forer of Yisrael Beytenu does not rule out his party's cooperation with the Joint Arab List in establishing the next government.

In an interview with Kalman-Lieberman on Reshet Bet, Forer said that "The question we will be asking, and will not stop asking, is what the basic principles of the government are."
A better question is, what are this party's own principles? They sure don't seem like much of anything, that's for sure, and as a result, they can't be trusted either.

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