Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Knesset is still in a deadlock

There's no clear winner in this re-do election in Israel. When exit polls came in, it looked like Blue and White got more, even though their support may have slipped, and the Joint Arab List may have done better than expected. Now, as nearly 40 percent of votes are counted, it looks like the Likud might've done a bit better, but Avigdor Lieberman's still remained a kingmaker, astonishingly enough:
Exit polls published on Tuesday night showed that Blue and White was the largest party in the Knesset and is followed by the Likud, but it does not appear that either party has enough seats to form a coalition.

Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party will probably be the deciding factor in determining who will head Israel’s next government – Binyamin Netanyahu or Benny Gantz.
Well this has been a very disappointing election, mainly because Otzma Yehudit just had to run till the end. I think if Itamar ben-Gvir's smart, he'll disappear altogether from the political scene. This has been a very sad situation.

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