Monday, August 26, 2019

The antisemitism and racism of a NYT editor exposed

Breitbart reported about the vile comments made by Tom Wright Piersanti, a senior editor at the repellent New York Times, on his Twitter page, which is currently restricted to private viewing. His tweets included nasty comments about Asians and Indians too:
A New York Times political editor has a years-long history of antisemitic and racist comments on his Twitter page, a Breitbart News investigation has found.

Tom Wright-Piersanti, who has been a Senior Staff Editor at the New York Times for more than five years according to his LinkedIn page and according to his Twitter page oversees the newspaper’s political coverage, has made a series of antisemitic and racist tweets over the years. Many of them are still public on his Twitter page as of the publication of this article, but some have since been deleted.

The revelation of these tweets come in the wake of the executive editor of the Times stating that the newspaper intends to target the president on racial issues over the next couple years, after the newspaper’s efforts on the Russia hoax scandal failed.

One tweet that is still public is from the early morning of New Years Day in 2010, when he admits he is antisemitic but announced that his New Years resolution was to be less antisemitic—even though the tweet’s content mocks Jewish people.

“I was going to say ‘Crappy Jew Year,’ but one of my resolutions is to be less anti-Semitic,” Wright-Piersanti tweeted on Jan. 1, 2010, at 9:35 a.m. “So…. HAPPY Jew Year. You Jews.”

Antisemitic content is not the only racially insensitive content that Wright-Piersanti has published on his Twitter feed. Wright-Piersanti also sent out a racially insensitive tweet on May 18, 2010, that he has since deleted from his Twitter feed: “With asian babies, is it racist to say to the parents, ‘Aw, he looks just like you!’? What if you say it before you see any pictures?”

Wright-Piersanti also sent out a number of messages about Indian people as well, bashing them repeatedly over a number of years.

On Dec. 8, 2009, he tweeted at 10:39 a.m.: “There are four indian guys with mohawks in this one class, and each one is a douche in his own awful way. I hate mohawk Indians.”
Gee, what a loathsome individual this man is. As the following indicates, he's got a condescending view of women to boot:
On Dec. 4, 2008, he tweeted: “Want to see dozens of Indian girls grind all over each other? Go to the Golden Rail Pub in New Brunswick, New Jersey.”
No doubt, he has no critical view of Islam by sharp contrast. Worst, the NYT board will likely give him a promotion soon, and never fire him as he deserves. Alex Marlow had the following to say:
Marlow described “a pattern of antisemitism at the New York Times,” recalling how “just this year, [the New York Times] had to stop publishing political cartoons because they did not trust their own editors to be able to decipher between which cartoons are antisemitic and which aren’t.”

“This statement basically plays the victim card,” said Marlow of Sulzberger’s allegation that the New York Times is “the target of a vast right-wing conspiracy.”

Marlow added, “They’re the victims of you and me and Arthur Schwartz and Donald Trump and anyone who, God forbid, wants to hold the New York Times accountable for their smears.”

Despite posturing as an advocate for First Amendment protections of free speech, expression, and a free press, the New York Times has advocated for the destruction of dissident news media outlets such as Breitbart News.

“Remember, the New York Times is the paper that literally published a how-to guide on how to destroy Breitbart News,” recalled Marlow. “And now, this guy is whining that people would dare to look into his precious staff? It’s laughable, it’s pathetic, and it shows how vulnerable the Times is.”

The New York Times is a beneficiary of uniquely low standards of conduct relative to other organizations — both news media and otherwise — assessed Marlow.

“There is not a good explanation of how an editor could put up antisemitic tweets and still be allowed to work at the New York Times to this day,” Marlow stated. “He’s still there, and we know in any other profession that’s in public life, at all, [he would be fired]. It’s not just journalists. I can’t think of another profession where you’d be allowed to tweet antisemitic things, anti-Indian things, and still keep a job at this moment.”
Well that's why the smart person must avoid financing their paper by not buying it in any way. There's only so many articles there that are junk, and can't be taken at face value. They have suffered financial losses already in past years, but it's still vital to avoid them, save for scrutinizing what horrors they do publish. The NYT is simply unbearable.

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