Thursday, August 15, 2019

Keeping Tlaib and Omar out of Israel is the right thing to do

Following the news that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar would be "visiting" Israel this month, the Israeli government initially considered allowing them to enter, but now, they've wisely decided against it:
Israel is to bar US Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering the country over their support for the BDS boycott movement.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed the move, which reversed an earlier pledge to permit entry to the politicians, on Thursday afternoon.

“Israel's law prohibits the entry of people who call and operate to boycott Israel, as is the case with other democracies that prevent the entry of people whose perception harms the country,” he said in a statement.

“Only a few days ago, we received their [Ilhan Olmar and Rashida Tlaib] visitation plan, and it became clear that they were planning a campaign whose sole purpose was to strengthen the boycott and negate Israel's legitimacy.”

David Friedman, the US ambassador in Israel, welcomed the decision.

“This trip, pure and simple, is nothing more than an effort to fuel the BDS engine that Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar so vigorously support.”
The reason it's best not to allow them entry is because they could possibly incite violence and other bad news that Israel could do without. There can be no doubt the two of them would meet with terrorist conductors like Mahmoud Abbas and also the Hamas, and that too can be dangerous. Donald Trump himself urged Israel not to grant them entry:

Definitely correct. Keeping Omar and Tlaib away from Israel is for the best. But, we have to hope the majority of Michigan and Minnesota voters won't be fooled by those two again, and will avoid casting ballots for them in the next Congressional election.

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