Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mohammed Morsi dies in court

The former Egyptian "president" who briefly held the spot during the so-called Arab Spring died of a heart attack during a court trial:
Egypt's former president Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who rose to office in the country's first free elections in 2012 and was ousted a year later by the military, collapsed in court during a trial and died Monday, state TV and his family said.

The 67-year-old Morsi had just addressed the court, speaking from the glass cage he is kept in during sessions and warning that he had "many secrets" he could reveal, a judicial official said. A few minutes afterward, he collapsed in the cage, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.

Morsi was a longtime senior figure in Egypt's most powerful Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. He was elected in 2012 in the country's first free presidential election, held a year after an Arab Spring uprising ousted Egypt's longtime authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak. His Muslim Brotherhood also held a majority in parliament.

The military, led by then-defence minister Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, ousted Morsi after massive protests against the Brotherhood's domination of power. El-Sisi was subsequently elected president and has waged a massive crackdown on Islamists and other opponents since.
It was miraculous the populace rose up against Morsi, thwarting the Muslim Brotherhood's potential rise to more power. Much like Mubarak, Morsi deserved all the failure he got. Good riddance to such a horrible pest.

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