Saturday, March 16, 2019

Punk Teenager Cracks Egg on Head of Australian Senator Who Blamed New Zealand Attack on Muslim Immigration (VIDEO)

See, "Young Punk Cracks Egg on Head of Australia Senator Fraser Anning."

This is all stupid, I'll tell you.

But, the kid deserves a beating. You don't assault someone without expecting to be taken down.

At Chicks on the Right, "VIDEO: Controversial Australian Senator Slaps Teen Across the Face After Stupid Prank Gone Wrong."

Actually, the prank didn't "go wrong." It went exactly as planned, which included the young punk using his smart for to capture the attack on video and perhaps later create a viral video.

Claire Lehman's supposed to some hip conservative intellectual of the dark web, or something. She's a pansy-assed bleeding heart, if her tweets over this incident are any clue.

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