Thursday, February 07, 2019

Gantz's defense of a bad step hinders him

Amnon Lord says that when Benny Gantz defended and whitewashed Ariel Sharon's atrocity from 2005, he just exposed who he really is:
Gantz's comments on the 2005 Disengagement Plan show us who he really is. He doesn't think there are any lessons to be learned from the unilateral uprooting of settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria.

He apparently thinks the plan was so good that Israel should do more of the same and to hell with the consequences this could have on Israel's national security and diplomatic standing. [...]

Gantz's interview with Israeli celebrities Shlomo Artzi and Hanoch Daum shows that he wants to be at the heart of the Israeli mainstream and to harp on the nostalgia associated with Artzi and his songs.

Gantz has stepped into a minefield without having a map to guide him. In fact, a party headed by Artzi and Daum would have been much more appealing than Gantz's Israel Resilience Party.

Advocating a second disengagement plan was a misstep. It shows that despite his denials, he sees eye-to-eye with the ideological leaders of the Left, including former Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Gantz was a remote-controlled candidate until that interview. Everything was staged and scripted down to the finest of details. He even knew what questions he would get from the handpicked crowd. He even had the answers prepared in advance.

Artzi and Daum are good people but they cannot be programmed. As their interview shows, even a shallow rut in the ground can cause an unfit paratrooper a sprained ankle.
It's important to remember that the PLO's been stripped of their office in the USA, and the Trump administration stopped funding them, and that doesn't exactly help the platform Gantz wants to run on. So far, if there's any bad entity who's been supporting Gantz, it's the PLO:
With peace talks frozen for years, Gantz's comments were welcomed by the Palestinians, who have been boycotting the Trump administration since its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, praised "the signs coming from Gantz about settlements," calling them a step in the right direction should he win the election and prove "willing and ready" for peace.

"It's encouraging if he succeeds and he sticks to this opinion," Rdeneh told reporters.
This is telling too. What next, will Gantz attack the most positive of US policies? It wouldn't be shocking if he did. One more reason why he has to be opposed.

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