Saturday, August 11, 2018

Jeremy Corbyn worships perpetrators of the Munich murders

More damning evidence of UK Labour party overlord Corbyn's bigotry have surfaced, as it turns out 4 years ago, he paid tribute to the jihadists who carried out the massacre of Jewish athletes in Munich:
A memorial wreath in his hand, Jeremy Corbyn stands feet from the graves of terror leaders linked to the Munich Massacre.

The picture was among a number taken during a service to honour Palestinian 'martyrs'.

Buried in the cemetery in Tunisia are members of Black September, the terror group which massacred 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics.

One picture places Mr Corbyn close to the grave of another terrorist, Atef Bseiso, intelligence chief of the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

Bseiso has also been linked to the Munich atrocity. Another image shows the Labour leader apparently joining in an Islamic prayer while by the graves.

Last night sources close to Mr Corbyn insisted he was at the service in 2014 to commemorate 47 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air strike on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985.

But on a visit to the cemetery this week, the Daily Mail discovered that the monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards from where Mr Corbyn is pictured – and in a different part of the complex.

Instead he was in front of a plaque that lies beside the graves of Black September members.
Go read the article for more. Pictures like these are worth thousands of words, and compound Corbyn's image as one of the worst political allies to evil.

This comes as recent polling reveals a lot of the UK public feel Corbyn handled charges of antisemitism very badly:
The majority of the public believe Labour has handled recent allegations of the antisemitism badly, a poll suggests as the party faces mounting pressure to adopt the full international definition of antisemitism.

It comes after a former Labour leader in Scotland, Jim Murphy, took out a full-page advert in the Jewish Telegraph to offer an apology to British Jews and accused Jeremy Corbyn’s top team of being “intellectually arrogant, emotionally inept and politically maladroit”.

“Jeremy Corbyn is not doing nearly enough to throw out the antisemites found within grassroots and online Labour,” the former minister claimed.

The survey for The Independent found that just 9 per cent believed Labour had handled allegations of antisemitism within the party’s ranks well, while 60 per cent did not, and 30 per cent said they did not know.
But what's really sad is that the party doesn't sound like they're willing to depose of this truly awful man from their leadership. He alone is such a liability by now, that keeping him as the head honcho would be a PR disaster with Israel and the USA, among others.

If the Labour party really want to prove they're taking accountability, they'll oust Corbyn. If they don't, then they can't be surprised when if, God forbid, he's elected premier of Britain, he'll only cause more trouble that he's worth, both domestically and foreign.

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