Saturday, July 14, 2018

French court reneges on judgement of Sarah Halimi's murderer

The court in charge of the case of the Malian Muslim who murdered Sarah Halimi is once again resorting to the excuse of "mental illness":
An Islamist migrant who police allege savagely murdered a 65-year-old Jewish woman in Paris is considered unfit to stand trial, according to a psychiatric evaluation. [...]

In January this year, Traore was determined to be fit to stand trial. He was placed in a psychiatric hospital for weeks after his arrest despite having no history of mental illness.

But a judge requested a second series of tests, which determined that the Malian immigrant was not able to stand trial, 20 Minutes reported on Wednesday.

“We do not understand the determination and procrastination that consistently seeks to turn this killer into a demented person, when he is a murderer whose presumed detention doesn’t even hide his hateful anti-Semitism,” Francis Kalifat of the Jewish umbrella group CRIF said after the decision was made not to proceed to trial.

The official response to the murder from the government, prosecutors, and the media has caused much anger and hurt amongst Parisian Jews.
I think there's reason to go to demonstrate again, and have the Israeli/USA governments make a firm call for putting the proper judgement back on track again. This shows just how corrupt the judicial system - and the press - in France is, even going out of their way to let rapists off the hook. And they're going to pay for it very heavily sooner or later.

Update: here's more on Israel Hayom:
The new evaluation reinforces the perception among the French Jewish community that authorities are trying to make this case go away. The community is also outraged that it took more than four months before the case was classified as a hate crime and has criticized the little media coverage it received.

[...] Traore has a criminal record and served time in prison over various incidents involving drugs, break-ins and violence. According to Halimi's daughter, he would occasionally call Halimi "a dirty Jew." Eyewitnesses also said that on the night of the murder, first responders did not try to stop him despite being dispatched to scene before he killed her.
Those authorities who refused to take any action are just as guilty as the Islamofascist himself.

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