Thursday, June 07, 2018

Macron blames Trump for the Hamas violence

Caroline Glick tells how French president Emmanuel Macron is endangering the region - and come to think of it, his own country - by validating Hamas:
Macron’s skillful diplomacy and fine judgment was on display once again on Tuesday. Standing next to visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Macron decided that the best way to prove his importance was by attacking Trump.

This time Macron didn’t do it by physically assaulting him on live TV. Instead, Macron chose to blame Trump for the lethal consequences of Hamas’s three-month-old terror operation against Israel along the Gaza-Israel border.

Some 110 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces deployed along Israel’s border with Gaza to protect Israel from Hamas penetration and terror. Hamas has acknowledged that at least half of the fatalities were its terrorists.

In the framework of this ongoing operation, Hamas buses hundreds of non-combatants to the border to serve as human cannon fodder. Hamas terrorists, interspersed among the crowds, use civilian cover to launch various types of assaults against Israel. These assaults have included border infiltration, mortar and rocket attacks, Molotov cocktails, and destruction of sections of the border fence.

Over the past week, the center of Hamas’s efforts against Israel moved to environmental terrorism. Hamas terrorists have launched hundreds of kites carrying Molotov cocktails and other incendiary devices across the border. Thousands of acres of farmland and nature reserves have been scorched.

Standing next to Netanyahu on Tuesday, Macron ignored all of that. He alleged that Hamas’s violent assault against Israel is a consequence of Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem, on May 14. Macron claimed that the embassy move provoked violence and did not promote peace.

In his words, “If this leads to people dying it’s not a celebration.”
*Ahem* If the Hamas encourages/pressures anybody to commit violence in the name of racism and evil, that's what should not be celebrated. Yet this man now crosses the line with deplorable statements against the POTUS, and it goes without saying that not only are Macron's statements offensive, but he also owes Trump an apology.
Macron’s statement was not an isolated attack. Speaking at a conference in St. Petersburg on May 25, he called the embassy move “an error,” and said that the U.S. could no longer be considered an honest mediator in future negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Last week, France voted in favor of a Kuwaiti-sponsored draft resolution at the UN Security Council which called for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to produce a written report within 60 days on ways to ensure “the safety, protection and well-being of the Palestinian civilian population under Israeli occupation.”

That draft resolution failed to mention Hamas by name or note that Israel removed its military from Gaza 12 years ago. It failed to mention that Hamas has controlled all aspects of life in Gaza since 2007. After ignoring basic realities of life in Gaza, the draft resolution instructed the Secretary General to include recommendations about “an international protection mechanism” for the Palestinians against Israel in his written report.

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, who vetoed the resolution, called it “grossly one-sided and morally bankrupt.”
I think Macron's got it all backwards. A government like his cannot be considered reliable, and now he may have forced Jewish residents of France to conclude they'll have to continue leaving the country while Islamofascists continue to endanger the rest of the population. He should be ashamed of himself, and the time has come to call him out on how incredibly dangerous his policies are. The anti-American approach politicians like him have been going by has got to stop. And again, Macron should apologize to Trump.

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