Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Bill Cosby supports Louis Farrakhan

Bill Cosby's already been convicted on 3 counts of sexual assault, and is now awaiting his official sentencing while under house arrest. But look what he had posted on his Twitter page nearly a week ago:

He's giving his support to the overlord of the Nation of Islam? The same man who even defended Mike Tyson after he raped Desiree Washington in the early 90s? Well...I think this says pretty much all we need to know about Cosby's mindset, where he stands and where he's going. In the documentary review I linked to, it says the following:
Kopple gives Tyson credit for his talent and skill as a boxer and provides a context for the violence in his life, but she doesn’t cut him any slack for his rape of beauty contestant Desiree Washington in Indianapolis in 1991. The director also provides the pop-cultural framework for Tyson’s conviction and the six-year sentence he’s now serving, including a chilling clip from a rally in support of Tyson in which Louis Farrakhan defends the boxer by hectoring the women in his audience. ”How many times, sisters,” he shouts, ”have you said ‘No’ and you meant ‘Yes’?”
What Farrakhan did was - and still is - sick and repellent, just as Cosby's backing for Farrakhan is now. Cosby said at least a few more items that backfired big time, and this would have to be the capping of the sewage cover for his undeserved career. He's really done it this time, and only ensure a lot less people will care to check out his past resume. Cosby's sentencing can't come soon enough, and among the things he'll have to be remembered for besides his rape crimes themselves, it'll have to include his support for apologists of the same.

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