Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Terrorist shot dead in Spain

One of the terrorists who plotted the van ramming attack in Barcelona was located by Spanish police and sent to hell where he belongs:
Spanish police on Monday shot dead Younes Abouyaaqoub, the suspected driver of a van that mowed down pedestrians in Barcelona, in a dramatic end to a massive manhunt for the Moroccan national who was wearing a fake suicide belt when he was killed.

"We confirm the death of Younes Abouyaaqoub shot in Subirats," police in Catalonia tweeted.

The Moroccan was the last remaining member of a 12-man cell suspected of plotting last week's deadly vehicle rampages in Barcelona and the seaside resort of Cambrils that were claimed by the Islamic State organisation (IS) -- its first in Spain.

Four men have been detained, while the others have been killed, either by police or in an explosion believed to have been accidentally detonated by the suspects themselves in their bomb factory in the seaside town of Alcanar.

Among those killed in the explosion was a Moroccan imam at the heart of the cell, Abdelbaki Es Satty, Catalan police chief Josep Lluis Trapero confirmed Monday.
Unfortunately, if they continue to allow Islamists into Europe, there'll still be many more to come. So they're going to have to start doing some serious thinking about their futures.

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