Monday, April 24, 2017

The allied forces during WW2 have to shoulder blame for not acting sooner

Benjamin Netanyahu made a crucial point about why the Holocaust happened:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday slammed western powers during his speech on Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying that Allied powers knew of the atrocities happening to Jews in death camps and had they have acted on that knowledge they would have saved the lives of four million Jews and millions of others.

The prime minister cited newly released documents from the UN that show the Allied forces were aware of the extent of the Holocaust in 1942 – two and half years earlier than previously assumed.

It was a “chilling revelation,” Netanyahu said.

“If the powers in 1942 had acted against the death camps — and all that was needed was repeated bombing of the camps — had they acted then, they could have saved four million Jews and millions of other people,” he said at the official state Yom HaShoah ceremony at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.

“When terrible crimes were being committed against the Jews, when our brothers and sisters were being sent to the furnaces,” he said, “the powers knew and did not act.”

According to Netanyahu, the Holocaust was the result of three elements coming together: a deep hatred of the Jews, global apathy to the horrors that occurred, and “the terrible weakness of our people in the Diaspora.”

Anti-Semitism had not disappeared, and neither was it likely to in the foreseeable future, he said. It was made worse by Iran and the Islamic State, he added. This was to be the only mention of the Islamic republic in his speech, a marked departure from previous years in which he would single out Iran several times.

Global indifference was still alive today too, Netanyahu said.
Yes, and that indifference is exactly what's turned several areas in Europe into hellholes, as self-hating European politicians turn against their own populations. It's considerable damage that's going to take ages to repair, and until then, the chances of another world war are very possible.

Here's more about Netanyahu giving a stern warning Islamofascist countries like Iran.

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