Sunday, January 22, 2017


Let's also hope this can convince European countries, for example, of why they too need to change their ways. For now, Israeli leaders are congratulating Donald Trump on his ascension to presidency:
Israel’s leaders congratulated Donald Trump on his inauguration as US President and expressed excitement at working with him to strengthen the US-Israel relationship.

Israel’s political leaders expressed their congratulations to Donald Trump who was inaugurated as President of the United States on Friday.

“Congrats to my friend President Trump,” tweeted Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday before the onset of the Jewish Sabbath in Israel. “Look fwd to working closely with you to make the alliance between Israel & USA stronger than ever.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer echoed Netanyahu’s remarks. “Congratulations President Trump! Israel looks forward to working with you to make the US-Israel alliance greater than ever.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon shared his view in a statement that Trump’s presidency not only presented an opportunity to strengthen the US-Israel relationship but also to improve Israel’s standing in the United Nations.

“A true friend of Israel will enter the White House today,” Danon said. “After the shameful resolution that was adopted by the Security Council, Israel looks forward to strengthening our most important alliance and leading together towards a new era at the UN.”
And let's hope the UN is defunded, even by European countries. There's no use in wasting valuable tax money on such a repellent, dishonest organization.

1 comment:

  1. Our relations with Israel will definitely improve without pro-palestinian Obama.
    I hate the UN. Leaving is definitely an option, but with our veto we can stop eveything we dislike.
    I say move the UN to Haiti, veto everyhting else and let's see how long it survives in that carribbean paradise.
