Thursday, January 12, 2017

Graham and Cruz introduce bill to block US funding to UN, and GOP issues letter in support of moving embassy to Jerusalem

The Wash. Examiner reports that senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are forwarding a new bill to cut funding for the UN, which doesn't need anyone's money:
The United States taxpayer must stop paying into the United Nations until it reverses its vote condemning Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, two top senators said Thursday.

Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, appeared together on MSNBC about a new bill introduced Thursday that would block taxpayer dollars from going toward the U.N. Graham said the resolution passed last month, which the United States abstained from, was a step too far in attacking Israel and it must be undone.

"Twenty-two percent of the money to fund the U.N. comes from the American taxpayer. I don't think it's a good investment for the American taxpayer to give money to an organization that condemns the only democracy in the Middle East,"
he said.

Reports indicate the U.S. gives about $8 billion to the U.N. every year in voluntary and mandatory payments.
The UN hasn't been a good investment for decades. Billions of dollars wasted for years, and it's time to stop giving them taxpayer money they don't deserve.

The Republicans have also been putting together a special letter in support of moving the embassy to Jerusalem as quickly as possible:
House Republicans are passing around a letter expressing support for “swift action” by the incoming Trump administration to relocate America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, according to a copy obtained by The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

The letter, which has not yet obtained any signatures, is addressed to the president-elect’s transition team in Trump Tower, indicating the caucus’s intent to send it before Donald Trump’s inauguration next week.

“Moving the embassy will strengthen the unique alliance between Israel and the United States and send a clear message to the world that we support Israel in recognizing Jerusalem as its eternal capital,” the letter reads.

“This action is all the more urgent in light of the anti-Israel Resolution 2334, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on December 23, 2016,” it continues. “The resolution invites renewed diplomatic hostility and economic warfare against Israel, and we must act urgently to mitigate its consequences and to reaffirm our steadfast commitment to Israel.”
The Post also says that:
While previous presidents from both parties have promised to move the embassy while campaigning, they have all backed down from their vows in fear that it would prompt an intifada in the Palestinian territories and turmoil elsewhere.
That's not the only reason. It's also because presidents like Clinton, Obama and even Bush didn't want to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. In any case, any Islamofascist who resorts to violence over this is only invalidating their positions even more than they already are. And that's a point all concerned must make, ditto the fact that serious penalties must be taken against all violent offenders, and for now, deterring actions must be taken too.

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