Sunday, November 06, 2016


Just in time for the November elections, wouldn't you know it, the Muslim Ms. Marvel series has now become an election propaganda vehicle:
IN the meantime, Ms. Marvel suggests you vote. She doesn’t say which way to vote, but probably she’d support the candidate that doesn’t want to ban Muslims from entering the country. Maybe. A guess.
More specifically, the writer probably would, because ideology matters far more than safety for the country's public. When a series like this becomes so obviously political, ditto the site promoting it, then it becomes clearer than ever that entertainment value isn't what the publishers value, just rancid ideology, and that's why these books aren't worth wasting money on.

November 12 update: and now, here's some more news confirming just how ludicrous this story is:
In the election edition comic book, Ms. Marvel and a friend go from door to door in her hometown in New Jersey trying to get out the vote. One person slams the door in their face; another says his boss won’t let him and he has to work on Election Day; and an old man with glasses and a scarf, looking a bit like Senator Bernie Sanders, says he is protesting and has not voted since 1972 and tells her he does not intend on voting because “the candidates are all terrible.”

“By not voting, you’re not sending a message – you’re just lumping yourself in with the millions of people who didn’t vote because they don’t know how or don’t care,” she answers the man.

At one point Ms. Marvel collapses because even her superpowers are unable to help her explain time after time the importance of the elections and voting to her neighbors, who don’t know who to vote for, the rules about voting and even whether they are registered to vote.
It sounds more like the story's making everybody in the neighborhood out to look pea-brained and poorly educated. Including leftists like Sanders. Yep, that sure is some way to appeal to the masses.
The comics do not reveal who Ms. Marvel is voting for this week, but it is easy to guess she will not be voting for Donald Trump. [...]
Or, more precisely, the writers/artists/editors didn't. At this point, you could very well say they contributed to the downfall of the Democrats' campaign, by putting forth a direction that only alienated voters even more.

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