Saturday, November 05, 2016


Kathy Shelton, the woman whose rapist was defended by Hillary Clinton, who even made false claims against the victim, gave an interview to Breitbart where she says she's been stung badly by what she found out:
NEW YORK – In an emotional Breitbart News exclusive video interview, Kathy Shelton, who was raped by a 41-year-old drifter when she was only 12 years old, said that in the course of defending her rapist as a lawyer, Hillary Clinton “hurt a child inside too very bad.”

“And she says she’s for children and women? If she was for children she could have never went there with me as a 12-year-old girl,” added Shelton.
Read the whole thing, and watch the video too. What Clinton did and is still doing is unspeakably sick, and tragically, she still shows no shame or remorse for her degrading MO.

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