Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Leslie Milwee, a former TV reporter in Arkansas, has gone public to tell how she too was a victim of disgraceful former POTUS Bill Clinton. Here's an excerpt of her description of the first time he assaulted her:
“…he followed me into an editing room. The first time I remember. That it was very small. There was a chair. I was sitting in a chair. He came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders and running his hands down toward my breasts. And I was just stunned. I froze. I asked him to stop. He laughed.

“That happened on three occasions. And each time it escalated where the aggressive nature of his touch and what he was doing behind me escalated.”
Read and watch it all. Clinton's a prime example of a politician who thought being that high up meant never having to say he's sorry, and sadly, he still thinks that way today, judging by his failure to publicly apologize to his other victims.

1 comment:

  1. A never-ending supply of Bill Clinton's victims!
