Thursday, September 15, 2016


An example of why the "jungle" migrant camp at Calais, France is one of the most terrible things that could happen to the country (via Jihad Watch):
The policemen had been sent to the Grande-Synthe Linière refugee camp, in northern France, to arrest a group of individuals suspected of smuggling migrants across the Channel.

The arrests were part of a larger police investigation, and the policemen were trying to disband a local migrant smuggling ring.

But the operation was brought to a halt after a group of migrants launched an attack on the three men.

One of them was badly injured and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital in Dunkirk, but has since been discharged.

Six migrants were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the attack, and remain in police custody [...]
They must be thrown out of the country one way or another, because they're causing all the horror they're going to continue causing.

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