Friday, September 30, 2016


It was discovered 6 days ago that a whole scene on the Nice beach where a Muslim woman was confronted by police for wearing a burkini without permission was all a deliberate setup:
“Selectively edited” Footage of a young Muslim woman wearing a so-called Burkini being threatened on a French beach was a deliberate set-up for the benefit of a Channel Seven Australia television crew, according to revelations in the Australian press.

Newspapers around the world sympathetically reported the plight of 23-year-old Australian Muslim university student Zeynab Alshelh this week after images emerged which purported to show her being harrassed on a French beach.

British titles including the Daily Telegraph, Sun, BBC, Mirror, and others reported Ms. Alshelh had been “chased off” the beach, while she and her family were “met with abuse”.

Yet calls for the young Muslim activist to issue an apology to France for her deliberately provocative stunt are growing after claims that the anger of those on the beach wasn’t directed at the woman’s attire — but at the presence of television cameras, in clear breach of French privacy laws.

The Daily Mail Australia reports the remarks of an eye witness to the confrontation, who said: “The man on the video who said, ‘You turn around and you leave’, was my uncle. He never asked these three people to leave the beach. He spoke to the camera because he was asking the cameraman to leave.

“There were children on the beach, including our own, and we didn’t want them to be filmed”
So it was all just what some could describe as a provocation. For that, both the Muslim activist and the TV channel she worked with owe an apology for a stunt that was obviously intended to undermine France, after all the horrific terrorist attacks they've had to endure. It's absolutely repulsive how they're being abused much like Israel is, all by people who don't have a care in the world about the well being of innocents trying to lead quiet and productive lives. I strongly recommend that Australia's Channel 7 be boycotted for stooping so low.

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